Tuesday, March 17, 2015

# Sugaring? Remove heair using sugar!

Wax, creams, razors, electric shavers…Did you apperceive there’s a accustomed and bargain another to hair removal? All you charge issugar  and lemon, and you can calmly adapt it at home.

We’re traveling to explain how to adapt it and to administer this accustomed technique, accepted as sugaring, forth with its advantages compared to added methods of hair removal.

What is Sugaring?

Sugaring is a adjustment of hair abatement that has been acclimated back age-old times in Age-old Egypt and added Oriental countries. All you charge for it is amoroso and lemon. This adjustment is agnate to that of waxing, but it has even added advantages which we are traveling to explain after in this article.
Currently some countries advertise the amoroso adhesive ready-made, although it is so simple that it’s best to apprentice how to accomplish it yourself. You will bound apprentice how to calmly do this and you won’t wish any added hair abatement afterwards.

What do I need?

The alone capacity you will charge are:
  1. 2 c. sugar
  2. Abstract from one lemon
  3. Water (only if there isn’t abundant auto juice)

How to make it

Add the auto abstract and two cups of amoroso to a pot or a average sized pan. The auto abstract should absolutely awning the sugar, if not add abundant baptize to awning it.
Heat the admixture over medium-high heat, active with a board spoon, until the amoroso has completley dissolved. If you accept a affable thermometer, analysis to see that the admixture alcove 115 degrees Celcius.
Once it starts baking abate calefaction and delay until the admixture thickens and becomes sticky, but still maneuverable. It should be aureate and soft, about like honey. If it is dark, you may accept austere it, and you should accommodate it. You should never abscess it on top calefaction for best than one minute.
Remove from calefaction and acquiesce to cool.
You have now the sugar wax.

How to make it

  • You could optionally blister afore waxing, although we don’t acclaim this if you accept actual acute skin.
  • In adjustment to anticipate the amoroso wax from afraid to your derma too much, you could add a bit of bottom or crumb crumb to the breadth you are traveling to abolish the hair.
  • Clean and dry the breadth able-bodied that you are traveling to wax to accomplish abiding you don’t accept any afraid problems.
  • Wash your easily able-bodied and as an option, you could rub a bit of oil on them. Grab a bit of wax and rub in the adverse administration of your hair growth. For example, if applying to your legs, back the hair grows downwards, add the wax affective upwards.
  • If you apprehension the wax is actual thick, calefaction it a little more.
  • Spread the wax so that a attenuate band covers the area, and after waiting, cull in the adverse direction, in added words, the aforementioned administration as the hair advance (if waxing your legs, breach in a downwards motion).
  • Use your added duke to cull your derma taught.
  • Then, application the aforementioned adhesive that is simple to remove, advance over addition breadth and echo the process.
  • To finish, administer a bit of moisturizing chrism or aloe vera gel to calm your skin. If there is any actual wax on your skin, ablution with balmy water.

Benifits of this waxing

    • It’s bargain because it alone requires auto and sugar.
    • Lasts just as continued as wax.
    • It is beneath aching than wax.
    • It aswell works on absolutely abbreviate hair.
    • Acclimated at allowance temperature.
    • It helps annihilate asleep derma beef and improves derma regeneration.
    • It can be acclimated on any breadth of the body.


        1. If this is the aboriginal time you accept approved this system, do it aboriginal on a baby breadth of derma that isn’t that sensitive.
        2. The sugar wax doesn’t charge to be hot, just warm.

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